About us



EPISA, is a new organization established in Turkey in 2021 as a non-profit, non-governmental civil society organization. EPISA supports democratic approaches, peacebuilding processes and practices, and inclusion in Syria since its establishment. Throughout its programs, EPISA specialize in sustainable development work to support governance and peacebuilding, protection and women empowerment, and support for marginalized groups. EPISA aims to empower individuals, institutions, NGOs/CSOs, and communities. EPISA has a group of professional staff who are experts in their specialties, constantly enhancing their capabilities in relation to the Syrian context. These experiences have been reinforced through practice over the past years, bringing together all the skills to take advantage of these strengths within the framework of EPISA in 2020 forming the EPISA body officially in 2021. EPISA’s team consists of technical and operational staff as well as volunteers, along with a field team in Syria.


EPISA organization is governed by a board of trustees. The board is comprised of individuals with a wealth of experience in implementing, managing, and overseeing civil work. They are fully able to supervise the implementation of the organization`s policies, develop its strategic plan, and review performance indicators periodically EPISA organization is governed by a board of trustees. The board is comprised of individuals with a wealth of experience in implementing, managing, and overseeing civil work. They are fully able to supervise the implementation of the organization`s policies, develop its strategic plan, and review performance indicators periodically.

EPISA team work is based on principles and values, which guide its work in regard to both

its internal operating procedures but extends to its duty of care for both staff and beneficiaries. Everyone is committed to the humanitarian principles at work. The cadres provide services to the target group, relying on the expertise and competencies that they own and develop on business trips in EPISA. The cadres are part of the local community in the targeted locations, which helps EPISA achieve a high level of communication with local

communities, and build a realistic assessment of needs.


The future of Syria reflects the aspirations of all its components, where sustainable peace and stability prevail. Everyone enjoys better protection, enabling them to play an active role in achieving sustainable development goals, such as No Poverty, Zero Hunger, Quality Education, Gender Equality, Clean Water and Sanitation, Affordable and Clean Energy, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Sustainable Cities and Communities, Peace and Justice Strong Institutions, and Partnerships to achieve the Goal


To support and empower all components of society without discrimination. To work and network with `providers of services and people who receive them to reach a sustainable development of Syrian communities.

Our Value


All Syrians have the right to attain their political and civil rights.

Justice and Equality

International Human Rights Standards and Principles are the foundation of our work. We encourage everyone to adopt and apply them.

Transparency and Integrity

The main pillars of our work are transparency in planning, the decision-making process, and associated procedures, in addition to the commitment to honesty and accuracy.

Participation and Inclusion

Through our work, we seek to engage and cooperate with all Syrians, and we are committed to dealing with all segments of Syrian society without discrimination. We also aim to engage all of Syria’s diverse communities in decision-making processes, if possible.


Syria is a multicultural and multi-ethnic country. To contribute to building a better future, we believe that there must be full respect for the religious and ethnic beliefs and traditions of all Syrian’s diverse communities at the local and national levels.

Responsibility and Accountability

We empower communities to be responsible for advocating for and initiating the change and values they seek.


EPISA’s strategy for change is to build the capacity of Track III and II for FEMALE and MALE civil society leaders in our program focus areas, link them together through long-term dialogue and trust-building to form strong groups and networks and develop strategic alliances between them and their counterparts in the Track I. EPISA facilitates this process through working TOGETHER with communities to produce concrete work plans for achieving their community CHANGE goals, then mentors and coordinates with the communities to help them implement those plans. Gender and conflict sensitivity is mainstreamed throughout all work and dialogue-based trust building interventions. EPISA’s core philosophy is that sustainable PEACE cannot be achieved without Women’s equality and participation. Efforts to build women’s equality, inclusive participation and sustainable peace must be Syrian owned and led at all levels. In an environment in which Syrian civil society has struggled to fulfil their role in leading local peacebuilding process, and have become disempowered in analyzing and mitigating ongoing conflicts, EPISA believes that IF civil society engages in structured dialogue , networking activities and receives capacity building activities in which a DIVERSE and representative group of civil society actors develop the technical capacity and formulate cohesive approaches regarding local conflict mitigation, THEN civil society will be better positioned to more meaningfully lead local peacebuilding efforts and promoting social cohesion that lead to impact and CHANGE.