Active women for development

After a decade of ongoing conflict in Syria, women have emerged as the majority in Syrian society, comprising more than half of the population. Recognizing the significance of this demographic shift, it becomes crucial to prioritize their development and engagement. In response, EPISA has taken the initiative to concentrate its efforts on empowering women through the Active Women for Development (AWFD) program. By implementing meaningful initiatives, AWFD aims to advance women development, equality, environmental sustainability, ensure equal access to education and healthcare, and advocate for the rights and well-being of women.


Since women's rights are a basic right among human rights, it is necessary and important to establish peace in societies and unleash the full potential of society. Moreover, empowering and supporting women has been shown to stimulate productivity and contribute to economic growth.

Although there is still a long way to go in order to achieve full rights for women in Syria, to achieve equal opportunities for men and women, and to bring women to real and effective participation in all fields, it is important to work on.


The mission of Active Women for Development AWFD is to promote gender equality, empower Syrian women, and create an inclusive society where women and girls have equal opportunities for participation and leadership in all aspects of life. We aim to end violence against women, ensure access to education and health resources, advocate for environmental sustainability, and champion the rights and well-being of women in Syria and neighboring countries.


Our vision is a future where Syrian women are empowered, active agents of change, and leaders in sustainable development. We envision a society where women have equal access to education, economic resources, and political participation, while actively contributing to environmental preservation and sustainability. We strive for a society free from gender-based violence and discrimination, where every woman and girl can fulfill her potential and contribute to the progress, prosperity, and environmental well-being of her community and nation.


By adhering to these values and pursuing our mission and vision, AWFD aims to contribute to the advancement of gender equality, the empowerment of women, and the protection of the environment in Syria and neighboring countries. Through targeted programs and interventions, we strive to create a more inclusive, just, and environmentally sustainable society where women's rights are respected, their voices are heard, and they actively contribute to a greener and more resilient future.

Main Goal of the Program:

The main goal of the program is to empower and promote the rights of women in Syria and neighboring countries, ensuring their active participation in all aspects of society, contributing to peace, sustainable development, environmental preservation, and gender equality.


Ending Violence Against Women: Our objective is to eliminate all forms of violence against women, including domestic violence, sexual assault, and harmful practices. We aim to provide comprehensive support services to survivors, raise awareness about gender-based violence, and advocate for stronger legal protections and enforcement.

Ensuring Access to Education and Health: We strive to ensure that women and girls have equal access to quality education and healthcare services. Our objective is to remove barriers to education for girls, promote reproductive health rights, and address the specific health needs of women and girls in underserved communities.

Promoting Women's Political Participation: Our objective is to enhance the active participation of women in the political life of Syria and neighboring countries. We seek to increase the representation of women in decision-making positions at all levels, promote women's leadership, and provide training and support for women interested in engaging in public affairs.

Target groups:

By targeting these specific groups, we aim to tailor our programs and interventions to address their unique challenges, needs, and aspirations. We believe that by empowering these groups, we can create a more inclusive, equitable, and sustainable society for women and girls in Syria and neighboring countries.

Join Us:

You can support our efforts to empower women in Syria by volunteering your time, making a donation, or spreading awareness about the importance of women's rights and gender equality. Together, we can create a society where women have equal opportunities, rights, and protections, and where their voices are heard and valued.

By investing in the empowerment and development of women in Syria, we can pave the way for a brighter and more inclusive future. Join us in our journey towards gender equality and a thriving society for all.