Empowering Survived Women

The EPISA project titled “Empowering Survived Women from Violence and Detention, and Women Leaders in Social and Political Participation, with the Support of Women’s Centers and Networks, and Integrating them with Civil Society to be in Decision-Making Positions Locally and Internationally in Northwestern Syria” funded by the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI) and it run under our program of Active Women for Development AWFD program.


This project aims to empower women organizations in northwestern Syria, focusing on advancing their initiatives following the devastating earthquake that resulted in reduced women activities due to the focus of larger NGOs on aid and infrastructure building in regime areas. Consequently, EPISA took the lead in activating 20 women organizations.

Overall Objective:

To activate feminist initiatives and civil networks supporting women's effective participation socially and politically in northwestern Syria, enabling them to participate in decision-making at the local level and send advocacy messages to international decision-makers.

Specific Objectives:

Estimated Outputs:

The project comprises six activities:

The forum activities included:

Opening and welcoming remarks to participants.

Introduction to EPISA organization.

Presentation on the Empowering and Resilience Enhancement of Women's Centers project.

Presentations and promotions of the three initiatives that received the grant.

Discussions on challenges, lessons learned, and success stories of the initiatives.

Recommendations and strategies to enhance advocacy for women's issues.